Who Can Have Hair Transplantation?
Having a hair transplant can improve your appearance and self-confidence. The right candidates for hair transplantation are:
men with baldness
Women with thinning hair
Anyone who has lost some of their hair due to a burn or scalp injury
People with the following conditions are not suitable for hair transplantation:
People who do not have enough “donor” hair area from which hair can be taken for transplantation
People who experience hair loss due to medications such as chemotherapy
People who develop keloid scars (thick, fibrous scars) after injury or surgery
Hair Transplant Complications
Side effects of hair transplantation are usually minor and disappear within a few weeks. Below are some hair transplant complications:
swelling of the scalp
Bruising around the eyes
Scab forming on areas of the scalp where hair was removed or transplanted
Numbness and loss of sensation in treated areas of the scalp
Inflammation and infection of hair follicles, known as folliculitis